
The credit union movement must prepare the next generation of leaders, and Credit Union Leaders was started as a non-profit to do just that.

Champion and build the next generation of leaders so that the credit union movement continues forever.


Leadership: We believe everyone can be a leader even without the title. And the impact of good leadership reaches much further than can even be imagined. This is why we believe so strongly that we must rise up the next generation of credit union leaders.

Growth: We believe that for the movement to continue it is vital for credit union leaders to have a growth mindset. The world is moving too fast to “maintain” status quo. Everyone wins when the credit union is a strong presence in the community.

Encouragement: We believe that everyone (both aspiring and seasoned leaders) needs encouragement to continue to fight the fight.

Community: We believe that we all need each other and everyone has something to offer.

We aim to ensure the movement not just exists but thrives forever.